Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The One-Arm Swing

This lift is defiantly one that you need some experience before trying.

Performing the kettlebell swing with one arm at a time makes it a more demanding exercise, even though the technique is the same as for the two-arm swing. You will quickly notice increased demands on your grip strength and stamina as well as increased core activation. In addition, any previously undetected technical deficiencies will soon become obvious. For these reasons, I highly recommend that you practice one-arm swings with a lighter kettlebell. If one is not available, then it is better to practice more sets with fewer repetitions in each. Strive to work as hard as possible, while staying as fresh as possible. Fatigue is counter-productive when learning new skills.

I believe that the one arm swing can be very demanding when you are a beginner. You need to make sure that your technique is close to perfect, otherwise this lift could cause injury.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell two arm swing is the foundation of kettlebell training.

Benefits of the swing

• Develops explosive power and strength in the legs

• Improves lower back endurance and strength

• Improves core endurance and strength

• High reps improve cardio fitness and lactate tolerance

• High rep swings are an effective fat burning exercise.
The kettlebell swing works almost every part of you body as the lift is in progress. To begen, set the kettlebell in front of you and move your hips back just as you would sit in a chair. Swing the kettlebell in between your legs the swing up to eye level. The most important aspect of the lift is the hip thrust. As you bring the kettlebell up to your eyes, you are not using your back or your arms to help the kettlebell up, all you should be using is your hips.
Think of you arms as ropes and all they are doing is hanging on to the kettle bell as your hips thrust the bell up to the eyes.
When you hip thrust your whole core of your body needs to be flexed and tight. This will give you more explosion in the lift and in the sport or activity that you doing.
When the bell comes down from the eyes, you want to be in the exact same position as when you started the lift. Then do the exercise until tired.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What is a Kettlebell?

The kettelbell itself is hard to explain, so I have provided you guys with a picture. The most important thing you have to remember when you are working out with kettlebells are deceiving. It dose'nt matter if you can bench press 300 pounds, kettlebell tranning is a totally different type of exercise.
The kettlebell has a handle that you hold on too, which in this case is different from the bar bell on the bench press. When you bench, the weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the bar. This puts tons of stress on your wrists.
In kettlebell tranning you are taught to keep you wrists locked as you lift the bell. This give more opportunity to get stronger due to the fact that you are using your whole body instead of just your arms.